The problem of a vitamin B12 deficiency is not very common in America nowadays as it is more linked to a bad nutrition. However, deficiency can appear also as a result of our body’s inability to proper absorb the vitamin. It is important then to know the vitamin B12 treatments to avoid severe cases of deficiency.
The most common treatment on mild deficiencies is the use of over the counter supplementation. B12 can be found in the form of pills and you don’t need any special medical prescription to buy it.
In severe cases however and in cases where there is malabsorption, the vitamin B12 treatment will include more serious measures like the use of intramuscular injections of B12 that must be applied for life and the inclusion of prescribed drugs such as prednisone.
Diet plays an important role in restoring the levels of vitamin B12 and is an integral part of any vitamin B12 deficiency treatment. The people who are at high risk of developing this condition include vegan people, pregnant/lactating women and infants.
This vitamin is found in abundance in animal protein, more specifically in meat, fish, putry, eggs and dairy products. The issue with vegan diets is that they don’t include this type of food, and vitamin B12 is hardly found in vegetables.
Infants and pregnant women are at a stage of life where they need higher intake of vitamins and nutrients. In all cases of people with high risks, it is important to add supplementation. Luckily for us, B12 is not needed in the body in high quantities.
The importance of diet is also present in people who don’t absorb well vitamin B12. It is important to know that these people can’t depend solely on supplements of any kind.
These are the main vitamin B12 deficiency treatments, in this article you have found some general information about what are the best ways to treat and prevent this condition. If you are worried about your specific case, the best is to consult with a proper doctor.