Dental insurance or medical insurance for your teeth is very much similar to a normal health insurance. And sometimes, it is even covered by your full body comprehensive health insurance. However, you might have your own reasons for choosing an independent dental insurance plan. This will give you a lot more flexibility and attention to your dental health.
There are a number of types of dental insurance.
The three basic types are:
1. The dental maintenance organization or DMO is the cheapest of the lot. It however offers you very less flexibility and convenience. When you get registered under this type of insurance plan, you must first choose a primary care dentist. But if you ever need to visit a specialist, your primary care dentist must give you a referral. However, if your DMO covers orthodontia or maxillo facial surgery and allied treatments, you would not need a referral to consult a specialist. The good thing about this plan is that you will have peace of mind in knowing that there are no hefty premiums to pay every quarter.
2. A more flexible and convenient option is to go with a preferred provider organization (PPO) or participating dental network (PDN). With this plan you can visit any dentist you choose. But obviously, it will be cheaper if you choose a dentist from among the participating or affiliated network of clinics. There are certain deductibles and annual maximums that will apply in this case.
3. The most flexible of the lot is the dental indemnity plan. As the name indicates, you do not need to pay much over your premiums. However, there will be annual deductibles and maximums in certain cases. But you are allowed to visit any dentist you want and all you have to do is send the bills over to the insurance company for reimbursement.
Dental care has a lot more than just tooth extraction and cleaning. And most of these conditions only start showing up during old age, but it good to be prepared for it in any case.
Regular dental check ups are necessary for a number of reasons. You need to know whether you have any cavities. If so, the tooth has to be removed and the cavity must be cleaned and filled. In case you have irregular teeth, you will need braces. This is a common problem among teenagers and young kids. It is better to get it straightened out at a young age when the teeth are more flexible.
Other more serious conditions include oral surgery and oral cancer screening. It is important to get screened for oral cancer every year. Gum disease if left without treatment can lead to oral cancer.
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