People that suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome know all to well about the days of intense pain and suffering as well as the reduction in their activities due to the reduced of motor activity in their hands and fingers. Many people will seek medical help and be given both pain medications and a supportive wrist brace. In severe cases surgery may be recommended to relive the pressure and pain in the wrist and hand. Surgery can often be avoided by combining carpel tunnel exercises with carpal tunnel massage. This method of relief is effective and has fewer side effects than surgery.
Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when the median nerve becomes compressed. By doing exercises that will strengthen the shoulder, neck, forearm and back muscles it is possible to prevent the condition from developing. People that do repetitive hand motions either for their work or hobbies are advised to take preventative measures in order to avoid the onset of this condition. Regular massage is effective at relieving any pressure that may be building as a result of the repetitive movements.
Carpal tunnel syndrome isn’t only caused by these repetitive motions. Conditions like a wrist injury, pregnancy, arthritis, obesity, and cigarette smoking can cause the median nerve to become compressed. The median nerve is critical to the operation of the thumb, the wrist, and the first three fingers on the hand. When the nerve compresses, the result can be debilitating. The pain is usually severe and a reduction in the use of the affected hand is common.
Once the condition has developed it is critical to begin a treatment plan as early as possible. This will prevent additional nerve damage and will relieve the pain associated with CTS. If left untreated the pain will likely begin to worsen with time. By massaging the area the carpal tunnel pain can be greatly reduced and the nerves functions may be restored.
By using a deep and stroking massage method, the pain of carpal tunnel syndrome can relieved and is a great alternative to surgery or pain killers. Long strokes that are administered from the forearm to the wrist should last for a few seconds in order to stimulate the blood circulation. Use pressure that feels good as well as hurts at the time the stroke are being applied.
Doing exercises that will strengthen the arm, back, shoulder and neck muscles should be done in addition to the carpal tunnel massage techniques. By doing resistance and squeezing exercises, muscles are stretched while the blood flow is increased in these areas. After just a few weeks of doing the carpal tunnel massage therapy along with the proper exercise the pain will be reduced considerably. If treatment is continued it is possible for the median nerve to return to normal.
People that are suffering from CTS know that the pain can be very intense at times. While it does take some time and effort in order to heal the condition the effort will pay off. By administering self massage, carpal tunnel exercises, and allowing the muscles and nerves to rest, relief can be found. This method of treatment will allow sufferers to avoid the risk that is involved with any type of surgery.